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Ayatollah Qassim: People's Rights in Charter Violated, Ruling Power Losing Legitimacy

2023-12-19 - 3:20 p

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim expressed that "there is a ruling entity in Bahrain whose only basis for legitimacy that determines it is the charter that it has obliterated by violating it and breaking what it committed itself to," noting that "the consequence of this is inevitably the loss of all governance policies and procedures for legitimacy."

Ayatollah Qassim added, in a statement on Saturday, December 16, 2023, that "the rights of the people stipulated in the charter have been violated and continue to be violated."

He went on to say that all the political rights of citizens, as well as their security, religious, intellectual, moral, cultural rights among others were completely abolished, even on the practical level.

"There is no legitimacy at the de facto level, there is no place for the rights of the people and no value for their voice," he stressed.

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