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Al-Ghuraifi Warns of Catastrophe for Palestinian Cause If Governments and Peoples Don't Unite

2023-12-23 - 1:15 am

Bahrain Mirror: Religious scholar in Bahrain, Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi, reiterated that "the Palestinian resistance has overthrown the myth of the invincible Zionist army, which was provided with all the military capabilities supported by major powers in the world."

Al-Ghuraifi expressed during his Friday sermon at the Imam Al-Sadiq mosque, peace be upon him, in Al-Gofoul, that "this legend of theirs fell because it is based on illusions, falsehood, injustice and aggression, and whatever is founded on such does not need to withstand or to win, but rather destroy, kill, oppress, slaughter children, kill women and the elderly, terrorize and intimidate."

He stressed that "victory is not to be had by the forces of evil, debauchery and aggression, no matter how entrenched by the weapons of evil aggression, but it is to be had by the forces of good, justice and peace." He went on to say that this is written for the resistance forces in Gaza and Palestine, which is to triumph no matter how long the jihad (struggle), confrontation and aggression take.

While calling for "the powers of the Arabs and Muslims to unite in supporting the resistance on the land of Palestine," he pointed out that "if these powers are united, our nation will have a different situation and a presence other than this in multiple arenas, and this presence is formed when the capabilities of governments and the capabilities of peoples are united."

Al-Ghuraifi warned that "if the capabilities of the governments and peoples contradict, a catastrophe will occur, and the consequences are serious: shaking positions and bringing defeats," asserting that "all of this will have negative outcomes on the cause of Palestine, with which all Muslims, ruling governments and peoples are entrusted."

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