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Detained Figures Urge Bahraini Gov't to Respond to Demands of Bahrainis, Withdraw from "Maritime Coalition"

2023-12-23 - 4:16 p

Bahrain Mirror: The figures detained in "Jaw" central prison condemned the participation of the Bahraini authority in the US-led coalition to protect Israeli shipping lines and navigation destined for the occupation entity.

In a joint statement issued on Friday, December 22, 2023, the figures considered the "Prosperity Coalition" a "deceptive and false name," and called on the authority to "respond to the demands of the Bahraini people with all its categories and forces to withdraw from this coalition, cut relations with the Zionist entity and close its embassy in Bahrain."

They also praised "all the sincere efforts made by peoples, some governments and living forces in various ways, each according to its capabilities, in supporting the oppressed people of Gaza and their valiant and legitimate resistance against the occupation."

They figures declared their solidarity with the former secretary-general of Wa'ad, Ibrahim Sharif, "who was arrested for supporting the people of Gaza and refusing the authority's participation in this coalition that really aims to protect Israel," and called on the authorities to release him immediately.

The detained figures are:

  • Sheikh Abduljalil Al-Moqdad
  • Sheikh Mohammad Habib Al-Moqdad
  • Sheikh Ali Salman
  • Mr. Abdulwahab Hussein
  • Mr. Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja
  • Sheikh Abdulhadi Al-Mokhawder
  • Mr. Mohammad Ali
  • Sheikh Mirza Al-Mahrous

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