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Sheikh Al-Daihi: Imprisonment of Sheikh Ali Salman is Explicit Declaration to Fight Popular Will, Expression of Opinion and Political Rights

2023-12-29 - 6:59 p

Bahrain Mirror: Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi, Al-Wefaq deputy Secretary-General, said, "putting the secretary-general of al-Wefaq, Sheikh Ali Salman, behind bars constitutes an explicit declaration of war on the popular will, and the right to expression of opinion and political rights."

In a video message on the ninth anniversary of Sheikh Salman's arrest, Sheikh Al-Daihi said, "His arrest is nothing but a desperate attempt to silence voices calling for justice and equality, however, the attempt has failed."

He added that "every shackle put around his wrists turns into a torch of revolution for every free person," noting that "Sheikh Salman is not just an individual, but it is an idea and ideas cannot be imprisoned. His ideas penetrate the walls, infiltrate the hearts, awaken minds and encourage to ask questions and make change."

Al-Daihi stressed that "Sheikh Salman's calls for justice and equality are no longer just an echo in the corridors, but have become a book in the streets, a symbol of determination and a title of challenge."

He recalled that the secretary-general of the society "played a pivotal role as a head of Bahrain's largest political party, Al-Wefaq," noting that "his unique leadership made his party achieve a remarkable victory in the parliament, which gave him great influence and wide popularity among his people who knew him and among those who knew him around the world"

"Sheikh Salman headed his party with wisdom and insight that transcended time and space, and his voice in parliament was raised high for the truth to bring safety, hope and freedom to all the people of the country," he further stated.

Sheikh Al-Daihi stressed that "the arrest of Sheikh Salman is not just an incident, but rather a chapter of repression that seeks to silence the voice of truth and freedom," wondering
"But how can the sea be silenced by a sea water drop and the flame be extinguished by a breath of air?"

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