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Former Bahrain MP Ali Al-Aswad: Manama's Gaza War Stance Shameful, Doesn't Reflect Bahraini People

2024-01-18 - 2:52 p

Bahrain Mirror: Former Bahraini member of parliament and Al-Wefaq opposition Society member, Ali Al-Aswad, denounced the stance of the Bahraini government on the war waged on Gaza, labeling it as shameful and unrepresentative of the diverse population of Bahrain.

In an exclusive interview with "Arabi 21", on the sidelines of the "Freedom for Palestine" two-day conference held in the Turkish city of Istanbul, Al-Aswad emphasized the failure of Arab nations that normalized relations with the Israeli occupying regime to diminish the significance of the Palestinian cause. He highlighted that the recent "Al-Aqsa Flood" had shifted the dynamics, catching those nations off guard. He went on to express that "the normalizing Arab countries thought they were heading in the direction of normalization without confrontation from anyone, but they were confronted with precious Palestinian blood."

Speaking on the repercussions of normalization, Al-Aswad asserted that the countries aligning with the Israeli occupation failed to contribute positively to the Palestinian cause. "And that was contrary to their justifications of normalizing relations to further support Palestinians," he added.

Addressing the ongoing situation in Gaza, the Bahraini politician deemed Manama's position on what has been taking place in Gaza "shameful" and "not reflecting the people of Bahrain's sentiments." He praised the resilience of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in the face of occupation despite the massacres and genocidal war, emphasizing their role as a beacon of steadfastness and resistance.

For the 103rd consecutive day, the Israeli occupation continues its relentless genocidal war on the people of Gaza, committing massacres, and targeting residential areas and journalistic teams.

This ongoing aggression has claimed over 24,000 Palestinian lives and left more than 61,000 injured, along with extensive destruction of homes, buildings and infrastructure.

Al-Aswad further highlighted that the unprecedented scale of aggression and crimes against humanity that the Palestinian people are enduring, underscoring the historical magnitude of the atrocities witnessed in the Gaza Strip.