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Al-Wefaq Documents More than 340 HR Violations Carried out by Authorities during November and December

2024-01-18 - 4:21 p

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society recorded in its human rights report for the months of November and December 2023 more than 340 human rights violations, including 60 cases of arbitrary arrest, 222 raids, and more than 200 peaceful protests in the regions. Most of the violations are related to the Bahraini people's position denouncing the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

The report stated that popular protests continued, during November and December 2023, in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza, who are subjected to Israeli aggression, and demanding an end to the normalization agreement with the Zionist enemy. More than 80 peaceful demonstrations were organized in solidarity with Gaza, however, the security services suppressed 9 of them.

In terms of arrests, 60 citizens were arrested; 41 in November and 19 in December. Most of the arrested were minors and their arrest was over their participation in peaceful events in support of Gaza and against the normalization agreement. Al-Wefaq's report added that the wife of prisoner of conscience Abbas Abed Ali Mohammad was arrested while visiting her husband in Jaw Central Prison, thus, becoming the only political detainee in Bahrain, after the release of the 50-year-old woman, Mrs. Maryam Abdulnabi Al-Asfour, who was arrested in October 2023.

In Dry Dock Prison, minor detainees launched a collective hunger strike to achieve several basic demands. In addition, the detained opposition figure, Mr. Hasan Mushaima, also embarked on a hunger strike in protest against being denied the necessary treatment for his deteriorating medical condition.

Regarding summonses, there have been 16 cases, including 4 juveniles; 15 of those summoned were arrested later. The report recorded one case of enforced disappearance for Mubarak Abbas Ahmed Hassan, who has remained forcibly hidden for at least 3 days.

Al-Wefaq's report documented the issuance of 8 arbitrary rulings against citizens, some of which on charges related to solidarity with Gaza. It highlighted that 7 of the arbitrary rulings were issued by courts of first instance that have not been specified, and 1 ruling was issued by an unspecified court.

The report documented 23 cases of individual violations in prisons, 15 of them were in Jaw Central Prison, 3 in Dry Dock Prison and 4 cases in unidentified prisons or detention facilities, in addition to 1 case in Kanoo Health Center against Mr. Hasan Mushaima. These violations were distributed as follows: 9 cases of ill-treatment, 14 cases of deprivation of treatment, one of which was against the detained minor Mohammad Hassan Ali Radhi Al-Qassab.

3 mass violations were monitored in prisons, 2 in Jaw Central Prison, and 1 in Dry Dock Prison. The most prominent of these violations was the prison administration's deliberate provision of Israeli products or those supporting "Israel" in the canteen, which the detainees consider a violation of their rights, as they have been forced either to buy these products or to be deprived of basic needs such as cleaning supplies.

In addition, the report documented 3 individual cases of protest in prisons; 2 in Jaw Central Prison and 1 in Kanoo Health Center, i.e. the hunger strike of Mr. Hasan Mushaima. It confirmed that "the minor detainees went on a hunger strike in the Dry Dock," documenting "an incident of a collective protest in the Dry Dock related to the hunger strike."

The total number of raids by security forces in the regions amounted to 222; 208 of them were carried out in 35 areas, most notably in Sanabis, Al-Daih, Jidhafs, and Diraz. In addition, 14 raids were carried out on homes and private facilities, according to the report.

It revealed that the "The raids were accompanied by violations carried out by security services, and were distributed as follows: 9 cases of suppression of peaceful demonstrations in 6 regions, and 1 case of setting up a checkpoint in Karzakan."

The report documented 206 peaceful protests in 41 areas, 108 of which were in support of Gaza, most notably in: Sanabis, Al-Daih, Jidhafs, and Diraz.

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