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Yedioth Ahronoth: Bahrain's Ports Alternative to Red Sea for Passage of Cargo Destined for Zionist Entity

2024-01-25 - 10:37 am

Bahrain Mirror: Israel's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed that Israel started to use the ports of Bahrain and Dubai as a solution to the problem of goods heading to it through the Red Sea.

The newspaper said that "Mentfield Logistics Company, which supplies most of the cargo destined for Israel, found a solution to the blockade imposed by Yemen through efforts in coordination with the Israeli envoy to Bahrain, Eitan Na'eh."

It stated that the "Ships traveling from China and India, unload their cargo in Bahrain and Dubai where it is loaded on Saudi and Jordanian trucks and makes its way over land, to Israel, where Israeli trucks then receive the goods at the King Hussein border crossing with Jordan."

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