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Prisoners of Conscience in Jaw Prison: Common Sense Rejects Alliance Protecting Criminal Zionists

2024-01-29 - 1:11 p

Bahrain Mirror: Prisoners of conscience at Bahrain's Jaw Central Prison voiced their opposition to the recent alliance aimed at "protecting criminal Zionists in the Red Sea", labeling it as an alignment with evil forces.

In a statement, they emphasized that common human sense rejects such alliances, especially when principles of chivalry, dignity, and true religious values are being compromised for personal interests and financial gains.

They stressed the sacred nature of Al-Quds and its surrounding lands, emphasizing the responsibility to preserve their purity and uphold their significance in every aspect.

Moreover, they cautioned against transitioning from preserving and defending these lands to actively conspiring against them, warning that such actions go against the teachings of Prophet Mohammad and align with the disgraceful arrogance of those who have abandoned moral integrity, revealing their true vile face to the world.

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