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Beyond “Mahazza” Siege: A Mystery Surrounds The Fate of ’Talib Ali’ and the Four Abductees from Their Cells

2012-11-23 - 9:36 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): “Mahazza" village did not subside since the regime decided to subject it by force. Since the 7th  of November and the sanctity of homes are being violated every day. Within ten days, police stormed more than a hundred houses, with continued raiding of some houses on a daily basis!

People were forced in this village of the island, "Sitra", to leave their doors open, to minimize the damage left by the madness of the riot police. After arresting twenty youths from Mahazza, the regime began practicing a new violation by abducting some detainees and transferring them to an unknown destination and to isolate them from the outside world!
Since a week; there has been no news of five of the detainees of "Mahazza", parents no longer know their whereabouts, nor their conditions, and the concern is increasing for fear of their own fate, which may not be different from the fate of many who entered the regime’s prisons after 14th of February.

Two important issues, presented by the regime as a prelude to raid "Sitra", and the subsequent siege of armored vehicles of the National Guard, and seize of the houses; the first issue: burning of  the “Hyundai” cars gallery, and the second one: planting fake bombs in vital areas.
In the past two days, the Ministry of Interior announced the arrest of suspects in these cases, to be brought to the public prosecution.
Of "Mahazza", "Ahmed Abdullah Ibrahim" was arrested on Monday evening, November 7th , and he was taken to the criminal investigations building; where he remained until Thursday. He was charged initially with "bombings in the vital areas in Manama", then in the prosecution, the charge was changed  to “illegal  gathering and rioting", then he was transferred to Dry Dock Prison, where his family met him on Monday. He disappeared from the prison on Tuesday, November 13, after masked civilians  broke into his cell and took him to an unknown destination!

The same mysterious circumstances in which the detainee, Ahmed Abdullah, disappeared; the 24-year-old "Ibrahim Al-Sharqi" disappeared as well, where he was arrested from his home at dawn on Thursday, November 8, and his family received a call from him the following week on Monday; and then on Tuesday morning, when he asked them to obtain information about the charges against him from the general prosecutor. He also disappeared on Tuesday afternoon after his cell was raided with the same masked civilians who detained the others, and his news disappeared since then. Strangely, the regime's forces continued to raid his house despite his arrest, for 3 times, though they raided it 9 times before.

"Saeed Ali Al-Herz", born in 1980, was also arrested on Friday, November 8. He called once after being transferred to Dry Dock Prison, and his news disappeared the next day after being taken by masked men to an unknown destination. When he was arrested, he was severely beaten, his brother also got a share of the beating, and his house became vulnerable to raids ever since.
"Hassan Abdullah Al-Moalem" is one of the wanted twenty whose photos were published, broadcasted via Bahrain TV, and circulated to local newspapers by the Ministry of Interior. Those were charged previously in the explosives’ case, and Hassan was arrested subsequently on June 10, 2012 after a raid on several houses in the village by Special Forces. What makes him linked to the five abductees is that he was kidnapped from Dry Dock Prison at the same time, by the same elements, with no news ever since.

It seems that the suffering of the wife of the detainee "Taleb Ali Mohammed" is the worst. He was arrested on Wednesday November 14, one day after kidnapping the other four; his news disappeared completely ever since, while vagueness surrounds details of his arrest, as no one can confirm where and how he was arrested;  although some say he was arrested in "Adliya” area; by surrounding  his car without any additional details; and as him, his car disappeared too!
More than a week passed after his disappearance, and  "Taleb" did not contact his family. He is the only one who did not call his parents of these five abductees, who share that they are all from "Mahazza", and they disappeared in the same day. His wife is deeply concerned, since he was hiding from the police for almost a year and a half. “Taleb” has an 11-month-old child, who has seen his father for only few hours, since he comes and goes hastily, he can only stay for few minutes to check on them.
His family searched for him everywhere, with the help of a lawyer. They went to police stations, general prosecution, as well as the criminal investigations; with no sign of him or his car, and with no witnesses to convey details of his arrest. His wife abandoned their house ever since his hiding, the doors and furniture of their house are smashed because it was raided more than once.
Security forces came to all the abducted detainees’  houses at dawn on Tuesday, and asked for their car keys, and took them all, to an unknown destination as well.  More than a car had been confiscated for some of the detainees, and still ambiguity surrounds the fate of them all. Ministry of Interior ignores their parents’ puzzled questions, and prepares to announce a new fabricated sketch, within the course of dramatic events after the turn of the "Al-Eker siege"


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