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Prisoners of Wards 3,6 & 9 between death and Statement of Coalition of Prisoners of Conscience

2012-12-02 - 9:13 am

 Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): For the fourth consecutive day, the prisoners of the Dry Dock live a retaliator and miserable condition; prisoners of wards 3, 6 and 9 in particular. This condition is in continuation amongst a mass and human rights condemnation and an urge to provide an urgent clarification from the Ministry of Interior to what is going on in these wards as a special case. Accordingly, a number of the detainees’ family members have protested in front of the Dry Dock prison to know the whereabouts and fate of their sons that are forbidden to call them since four days.

The reason behind this revengeful act is the emerging of a statement from prison in the name of “Coalition of Prisoners of Conscience in Bahrain” that Bahrain Mirror has published on Tuesday the 27thNovember 2012. It was as well published in some of the news channels and social network sites and had caused thus a great outrage. The statement had referred to the escalation of the detainee’s case in the coming period and had clarified that the list of detainees of the Revolution of 14thFebruary comprises more than 1800 political prisoner and that “has made Bahrain to be considered of the highest country in the world having political prisoners in comparison to its population.”
Bahrain Mirror narrates herewith details of the information flow that it received from inside the Dry Dock Prison over the developments that happened directly after the release of the statement. As a result, the Head of the Prison paid a visit to the prison wards just a walk through without any conversation. Ward number 3 handed in a copy of the statement to the Head of Prison and that courage was enough to befall a curse on that particular ward in addition to ward 6 and 9 that were had been already targeted.

As soon as the Head of Prison left so were the gates of the ward closed on the prisoners before being broken into and inspected together with the prisoners in a hysterical way as well as beating the prisoners brutally and saying to them humiliating and inhumane words. The insults included the Shia sect and their ethnic origin. The prisoners were then prevented from going in or out and were prevented from using the (canteen) for purchasing food. All communication methods with their families were cut off and the public phone was restrained by a handcuff so no one can use it. 
In a country that the word is equivalent to jail or death, conditions got more complicated when that detainee who is being detained for speaking out is adamant to make their word pass through jail bars that were meant to silence their voice. Prisoners were inspected roughly and everything that could have been a method for the outflow of more information was confiscated in addition to their personal belongings like the watches. All communication methods with the outside were cut off so that no one was aware of what is happening inside. Torture was elaborated further so that no one would dare after that and so that an explicit and straightforward  message reaches the detainees being,” You are in our custody, and we can do more to you, and no one outside shall benefit you , no one shall reach you  so don’t try to seek help of anyone..”
The detainees went on a hunger strike in plea of the revengeful escalation that had no causes. A number of prisoners started falling from the second day. They were ignored while some of them were moved to other cells that were thought to be solitary confinements. The Prison’s Management responded to the hunger strike decision was to stop offering of food meals to the prisoners and exchange those meals with “meals of violent beating” every half an hour which resulted in the increase of detainees shouting in protest only to be accompanied by the rest of their comrades in the other wards with shouts of protest before they were given their share of beating with the batons. Every day there is an inspection of the cells and the detainees in search for any method that could be used by those for communication with the outside in addition to the continuous cut off in the Electricity most of the time of the day.

Until writing of this report, the punishment that is meant to be deterrent is still going on. The doors of the prison cells are shut off more strongly on the detainees; the hunger strike is on and has entered its fourth day and after the increase in the number of the fainting and falling off of the detainees’ one after the other they were taken to the Prison Clinic. And that is another story by itself. The Prison Clinic is very small and not equipped to receive a big number of increasing numbers of patients. In addition to what the detainees receive of carelessness in the clinic of beating, humiliation, cursing and swearing at; they are treated while lying on the floor because of the lack of enough beds. You shall be surprised when you enter the clinic from the number of cases that are lying on the ground without any care and with no concern to what may befall
any one of them.


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