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On the anniversary of Sitra’s massacre.. Egyptian doctor Alaa Zidan’s to «Bahrain mirror»: the head of Ahmed Farhan has changed me forever

2013-03-20 - 3:32 p

Bahrain Mirror (exclusive): Two years ago, on this day,  that famous video was shown, which did not only ease the grief of  the father of the martyr, "Ahmed Farhan", but eased  on all Bahrainis the effect of  a new phase in which the country had entered, by the invasion of Saudi forces.

"The father of martyr Ahmed Farhan and a very honorable Egyptian doctor " was the title of the video clip which showed a consultant emergency physician Alaa Zidan at “Sitra Health Centre” holding the hand of the martyr’s father embracing and kissing him, and asking him and others to stop thanking him " Do not say so, do not say so, this is my duty, I am one of you, my wife is Bahraini, she also has come with me to help you…"

At that time, Bahrainis were most in need of these stands, especially from outside their circle, everyone had conspired on them, and considered their revolution "sectarian," there was no longer any sanctity of their blood or honor. Doctor Alaa Zidan was the soother, he was that difference in everything that happened that day, he is  a Bahraini Egyptian epitome  for "medical neutrality", he did not escape , did not  lie or switch off his phone, says one of the doctors.

"I am Sitra’s champion, because I treated people with love," says Dr. Zidan in an interview with “Bahrain mirror", "I am a liberal and I hate politics. An  Egyptian who likes to work in Bahrain, worked and still working here for 18 years, and I am proud to treat patients regardless of their religion , nationality, or colour. "

"The father of Farhan changed my life; it was a hug that involved compassion, love and peace”. Dr. Zidan was on sick leave on  "Sitra’s massacre" day, but a group of doctors contacted him because they needed his leadership in dealing with patients at  Sitra Health Centre; “I was called while I was sick, But I didn’t hesitate a moment to work for Bahrain.”

Zidan, the Egyptian doctor lover of Bahrain, worked in terrifying security atmosphere to treat injured Bahrainis, after the Peninsula Shield Forces supported by various security agencies, attacked the island of Sitra, without any warning, and while the area did not have any protests, when the “Pearl Roundabout" central sit-in was going on.

The health center was not safe from Saudi and Bahraini forces’ attacks, but Zidan stayed put “ I was working for  more than 10 hours, and led a great team of my colleagues, and my young students , I really  liked that work," There he  witnessed the  head of martyr "Ahmed Farhan."

"It was a difficult and cruel experience, but proved that compassion has no nationality," says Dr. Zidan; it  was the most moving experience that change his life and inspired him to  spread the message of saving people's lives, "I cannot forget the day that changed my life."

Zidan became after this incident, a well known worldwide speaker about "love and attachment to spiritual values" and an international   professor known in "saving people's lives and promoting unconditional love."

"Politics and religion for me is love and peace", via "Twitter";   Doctor Alaa Zidan tweeted @coolzidan for more than two years, about love, mercy, compassion, and all the noble meanings related to humanity.

All his tweets had the #Bahrain "I never felt that I am not Bahraini,” He talks a lot about his detained fellow doctors "who put their lives on the line for patients," he emotionally expresses his great pride of this experience, talking about his passion for Bahrain, and his passion for Sitra, "when my life ends, please burry me in Sitra.”

Zidan Says "when you are the doctor who had seen everything in Sitra, those scenes would remain haunting your dreams" and adds, "I miss my patients, my friends, my brothers and sisters in Sitra. That simplicity, kindness and warm welcoming, but I feel like I’m with them, my soul never left Sitra because the power of love cannot be defeated, and no one can stop me from loving Bahrain. "

Zidan travels between Florida and Bahrain, after being dismissed by the Ministry of Health on the background of this video, like many of the Arabs and foreigners, some of whom were dismissed for merely sympathizing with the Revolution.

* Dr. Alaa Zidan consultant emergency physician, is now a professor at the University of " Gainesville " Florida, USA. He is the recipient of several qualifications and high academic grades and a member of several medical associations around the world.


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