Qatar Approves Minimum Wage Law, Scraps Worker Exit Permits
Qatar's government said on Thursday it adopted a new minimum wage law and will scrap mandatory exit visas for all workers, part of a broad labour reform programme ahead of its hosting of the 2022 World Cup.
After Withdrawal of 4 Unions, �Gongo� Union to Disunite
The �Gongo� union that seceded from the General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain (GFWTUB) is to disunite after withdrawal of four unions affiliated with it.
Osama Al-Absi, Head of Labor Market Regulatory Authority to Sell Visas to 48 Thousand Workers by July 2019
According to an announcement by the Labor Market Regulatory Authority last year, it can be confirmed that the Authority sold 24,000 visas to irregular labor since the launch of the flexible work permit (Flexi Permit) system (July 23, 2017).
Your Excellency the Bangladeshi Ambassador: Labor Market Regulatory Authority is the Biggest Visa Merchant
The Bangladeshi Ambassador in Bahrain, Muminar Rahman said that �His country requested the cooperation of the security services in Bahrain to reach Bangladeshi individuals involved in the illegal activities,
Bahrain Labor Minister Meets ILO Director-General in Geneva
Bahraini Minister of Labor and Social Development met with Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Director General of the Arab Labor Organization on the sidelines of the 332th session of the ILO Governing Body held in Geneva.
U.N. Labour Body Drops Case Against World Cup Host Qatar after Reform Promise
The International Organization for Labour (ILO) on Wednesday dropped a case against Qatar over its treatment of foreign workers that had overshadowed the wealthy Gulf state's preparations to host the 2022 World Cup.
�General Trade Federation� Reports Bahraini King Voiced Support for Return of Dismissed Workers
Head of General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions quoted King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa as saying he wants dismissed employees to return to their jobs.
VIDEO: ILO's Maria Andre: You Won't Fail in your Struggle for Democracy
In a videotaped meeting held on the sidelines of the GFBTU general conference, Maria Andre, Director of the Bureau for Workers' Activities at International Labour Organization ILO, said: "I could see that you are not going to fail on the struggle for more democracy in this country, but also for more industrial democracy and social partnership and a development whose fruits are shared by everyone."
Maria Andre: GFBTU Did Incredible Work.. You Can Count on ILO Today & in Future
Maria Helena Andre, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Director of the Bureau for Workers� Activities, attended the opening session of the third general conference of the GFBTU on Saturday (March 5, 2016) and delivered the ILO�s speech.
Bahraini Labour Minister Meets with ILO & Discusses Support Program
Bahrain Mirror: The Ministry of Labour said that International Labour Organization (ILO)'s Director of Technical Cooperation for Appropriate Work Program, Frank Hagmann, reviewed the technical support programs provided by the ILO to the island kingdom.
General Federation Meets ILO Director-General & Discusses Implementing Tripartite Agreement
Bahrain Mirror: The General Federation of Workers Trade Unions in Bahrain said that it met with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Director-General, Guy Ryder, in its headquarters in the al-Adliya on the sidelines of Ryder�s visit to Bahrain.