• Eyewitness: Torn Qurans & Broken Hussaini Turbahs Found in Bahrain’s Al-Khaif Mosque

    Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): As they arrived to perform morning prayer in Al-Khaif Mosque, Al-Dair residents were surprised to see that the mosque’s main gate was broken, while torn Qurans, broken Hussaini Turbahs were found inside.

  • Tomb of Sufism Founder in Bahrain Sabotaged

    Bahrain Mirror: An unknown group of people attacked and sabotaged the tomb of Sufism founder in Bahrain, Sheikh Muhammed ibn Ali ibn Yaqoob Al-Hijazi, in Al-Muharreq cemetery near Kanoo mosque. Meanwhile, the Imam Malik bin Anas Society said that the attack took place last Friday (on May 22, 2015).