To South Korea, and its Factories: give us some of your time, watch the effect of gas bombs on us

2013-10-18 - 2:24 م

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): How is it that mercenary forces, of the Ministry of Interior, use tear-gas bombs? Are these used to disperse marches and protests, as they are originally supposed to, or are they to kill people and take revenge? This question is not actually addressed to Bahrainis, since they know exactly what these bombs and explosives are used for, and how they are used; but it is possible that South Korea has no idea. Today, the Bahraini regime will buy more than one million new explosive from the South Korean factories in order to continue its mad suppression against its people, and to go on with its tyrant rule – the rule that the Bahraini people decided to end.

Thus, the brief, audio-visual documentation of this report, aims at exposing the use of explosives by the Bahraini regime against its people. It is left for the world’s conscious to judge; and the South Korean conscious – and factories – to view limited samples of the results for using tear-gas bombs sold to Bahrain.

Killed in front of the camera!

Hereafter is a video, showing the shoot of a tear-gas bomb, in a fatal manner, at the head of the 23-year-old Mahmoud Al-Jaziri, after which he went into coma for a week. His death, or martyrdom, was then announced.

The video was uploaded on 22 February 2013 that is, one day after the announcement of martyr Mahmoud’s death. It shows a group of protestors proceeding towards mercenary soldiers; one of the soldiers shoots a tear-gas bomb, you can then see martyr Mahmoud falling to the ground. The soldier continues walking with a sense of indifference, as if no human being was injured! The regime stood still, and took no measures against the murderer.

It is a minute and thirty second video that clearly displays a direct murder. So, will South Korea and its factories sell tear-gas bombs to a people-murderer regime?

Gouge out eyes!

A video showing a young child, protesting peacefully, when a tear-gas shot gouges out his eye, as simply as it is said, or brutally with cold blood!

It was on 18 February 2013, at Wadyan in Sitra. A shotgun heads straight into the eye of a child. The child falls to the ground, and loses his eye forever.

So, will South Korea and its factories sell tear-gas bombs to a regime that gouges out the eyes of its children?

Inside family houses!

A group of videos that document the means used by mercenary forces of the Ministry of Interior – shooting tear-gas bombs inside safe family houses that shelter old people, children, and women. Some mercenary forces break windows and throw bombs inside the houses for no reason, in a vindictive and provocative manner; all they want is to suffocate safe citizens and frighten them.

So, will South Korea and its factories sell tear-gas bombs to a regime that frightens safe citizens and take revenge from a specific category of people?

Aiming straight at the body!

Another video shows a peaceful, unarmed protestor, being shot with a tear-gas shotgun directly in his body, during a peaceful protest in Abo Qowa north of Manama on 14 March 2013.

The video is of a young man with a group of peaceful unarmed protestors, who are suddenly raided by mercenary forces of the Ministry of Interior, and the protestors try to escape. In slow motion, you can notice that one of the soldiers shoots a tear-gas canister that looks like a shotgun, and hits a protestor in his body, then bounces to the ground in flames.

So, will South Korea and its factories sell tear-gas bombs to a regime that uses it as direct projectiles against bodies of unarmed protestors?

Brutally shot in the foot!

Another fifty-second video displays a peaceful protestor in Bilad Al Kadim on 26 April 2013 being shot with a tear-gas bomb that throws him to the ground.

This incident happened at the end of martyr Salah Abbas consolation, who was killed by the Bahraini-regime forces; a protestor running followed by soldiers trying to kill him with other people, shooting canisters straight at their bodies. He was able to move further, but he got shot with a canister on his foot that threw him to the ground. One of the protestors held him and ran to take him away from the beasts.

So, will South Korea and its factories sell tear-gas bombs to shoot claimers of freedom and democracy?

Against birds!

A documented video showing a beautiful white pigeon whose foot was shot and broken with a tear-gas canister, on 2 February 2012 during protests at Wadyan in Sitra that house about one third of the people of Bahrain.

So, will South Korea and its factories sell tear-gas bombs to a regime that targets birds as well?


These evidences are a few documented out of many that cannot be documented due to security reasons. Bahrain Mirror asks, through what was mentioned above, the Korean factories: do you know, now, how the regime uses these canisters against its people? Will you really sell such canisters to the Bahraini regime? If a human being is worthless, can you stop this transaction to prevent the killing of birds at least?!


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