"Ali Al-Singace", sentenced to death over "Al-Daih explosion" case: in the grip of the "CID"

2015-04-09 - 1:26 ص

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): Bahraini regime security forces arrested the pursued youth, Ali Abdulshaheed Al-Singace (19 years) who has been sentenced to death over the killing of the Emirati officer, Tariq Al-Shehi, and establishing the 14th February coalition cell. The killing is known as "Al-Daih explosion" case, over which "Abbas Al-Samea" and "Sami Mashaima" were also sentenced to death.

Al-Singace was arrested last Thursday on April 2nd, 2015 in an ambush in Diraz village. Al-Singace is the youth, whose kidnapping at the hands of the security force in Sanabis gained widespread popularity in 2012, as photographs emerged of him lying down in a garage of one of the houses, unconscious and stripped of his clothes. Meanwhile, he affirmed afterwards that he was kidnapped because he turned down a recruitment offer by the intelligence. Al-Singace was subjected to sexual abuse, knife stabbings and other forms of torture, noting that he was 16 at that time.

Al-Singace family said that their fugitive son called them on Friday, April 3rd, for a few seconds and told them that he is detained in the notorious criminal investigation department building. They did not hear from him since then, which raised the possibility of him being subjected to torture.

On February 27th, Al-Singace had already declared to an Instagram account, run by Bahraini activists to speak of the sufferings of the detainees and fugitives, that: "He experienced the fugitive life since he was 15. He was released in February 2011 when the people were protesting in LouLou Roundabout. He; however, decided not to sleep at his home as he feared that security forces would raid his home at any moment. Thus, he slept over the rooftops or at some homes of citizens who pitied him and accommodated him for a night or two, and then he went on to search for another place to take him in."

Al-Singace reported that security forces raided his domicile in Sanabis for the first time on March 3rd, 2015, when the Al-Daih explosion took place. Afterwards, summonses to appear for trial were sent him. He was falsely charged for being recruited in a group. Al-Singace added that he was not surprised by the death penalty issued against him on February 26th, 2015, considering that these sentences are not unfamiliar to an oppressive and autocratic government and are not new to a people that refused to live but with pride.

As for the assault against him that occurred on March 21st, 2012, Al-Singace stated that when he was 16 years old, civil forces pursued him, cuffed and stabbed him with knives, and also threatened to rape him in case he does not work for them as an informant. He believes that he was targeted because he was an amateur photographer. However, on March 23rd, 2012, the Public Prosecution acquitted the ministry of interior employees of these charges and accused Al-Singace of causing the injuries himself.

Al-Singace stated that he was first arrested on January 3rd, 2011 (during the security crisis stage when a large group of youths and activists were arrested). He said that he was tortured during his arrest and faced many fabricated charges against him; among them was an assault against an officer called "Faisal Al-Morsi", one of those who were on duty in the exhibitions center. Al-Singace was also sentenced to five years in prison over the 14th February coalition cell case. Last February, he, along with Abbas Al-Samea and Sami Mashaima, was sentenced to death over Al-Shehi case.    

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