Zainab Al-Khawaja Sentenced to 9 More Months... and Nick Kristof Asks: Will the US Protest?

2015-06-04 - 11:54 م

Summary: Journalist Nicholas Kristof tweets: "Will the US peep a protest?"after Bahraini court extended Zainab Al-Khawaja's jail sentence to nine additional months over the charge of entering a restricted area (Jaw Central Prison) and insulting a public official.

Zainab Al-Khawaja Sentenced to Nine More Months. Nicholas Kristof: Will the US Protest?

Bahrain Mirror: A Bahraini court extended Zainab Al-Khawaja's jail sentence to nine additional months over the charge of entering a restricted area (Jaw Central Prison) and insulting a public official.

According to the lawyer Mohammed Al-Wasati, the court ruled a fine of 300 BD to suspend the sentence.

In this regard, journalist Nicholas Kristof wondered in a tweet he posted: "Our ally Bahrain imprisons a woman advocating peacefully for democracy for 5 years! Will the US peep a protest?"



Kristof's tweet was a comment on an previous retweet of the head of Human Rights First Organization, Brian Dooley's tweet: "US ally #Bahrain adds 9 more months to Zainab Al-Khawaja's jail sentences for peaceful protest to make total of 5 years 1 month."



Kritof has published an "Open Letter from Nabeel Rajab to President Obama" in his blog in The New York Newspaper and announced that he is willing to give Obama equal space on his blog, tweeting: "Oh, and @BarackObama, if you want to reply to Nabeel Rajab's letter to you, I'll give you equal space on my blog". Obama did not reply to the tweet.



Kristof's tweet received many reactions from his followers, as Sonia Chopra, an American journalist, addressed Obama saying: "Mr. President I hope you say something to him and for all activists who are fighting for basic rights worldwide."



This as "The Biased Reporter" blogger commented: "I think we'll all donate our blog space to that".





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