Jaffaria Waqf Urges Limiting Commemoration of Imam Ali Martyrdom Anniv. as BOHR Voices Concerns

2015-07-04 - 11:13 م

Bahrain Mirror: As a result of the exceptional circumstances this year and in the light of growing fears of bombings that hit Saudi Arabia's Al-Qatif and Kuwait, Bahrain's Jaffaria Endowments (Waqf) Directorate urged the directorates of Shiite religious centers and obsequies (Husseiniyas) to limit the commemoration of Imam Ali martyrdom anniversary to indoor ceremonies.

The Jaffaria Endowments Directorate said in a statement on Wednesday (July 1, 2015) that "it is determined to do its best in order to guarantee that citizens can continue to practice their religious rites as usual according to tradition. However, recent events in neighboring countries make it imperative for everyone to take precautionary measures on an exceptional basis to protect participants."

For its part, the Bahrain Observatory for Human Rights (BOHR) expressed its concerns that the authorities, will, under the pretext of a terror threat, "prevent the organization of processions on religious occasions, which Bahrainis have been used to since decades."

"It is the authorities' duty to offer the necessary aid in order to protect the religious processions, hold accountable the open Takfiri platforms that incite sectarian hatred and prosecute the parties involved in sectarian crimes, mainly those responsible for demolishing 38 Shiite mosques," it added.

The observatory also stressed that any future attempt by the authorities or the Jaffaria Endowments Directorate, appointed by the government, to prevent religious processions from being held is a blatant violation of article 22 of the Bahraini Constitution that stipulates the freedom to practice religious rites, hold religious processions and gatherings.

The Arabic Issue

التعليقات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع

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