Bahraini Prosecution Accuses Sharif of Inciting Violence and Overthrow of Regime, Detains him for 15 Days

2015-07-14 - 11:54 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Public Prosecution accused the opposition leader, Ebrahim Sharif, of inciting the use of violence against the regime and promoting the change of the constitutional regime by force, ordering his detention for 15 days pending investigation.

Bahrain Advocate General Wael Bu-Allay announced that the Public Prosecution had received a complaint put forward by the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation that an individual, previously convicted on charges of attempting to topple the political regime and who has been recently benefited from a royal pardon, incited the use of violence against the regime and the authorities, fighting them to death, called for the change of the constitutional regime by force and encouraged people to offer the highest levels of sacrifice to achieve these goals.

The complaint stated that the calls were issued by the defendant shortly after his release by royal pardon, and despite his pledge to comply with the law fully and not to violate its provisions. "However, by inciting hatred and calling for violence to advance political changes, the defendant has revealed that he is still committed to his hateful and criminal activities for which he was previously convicted. Furthermore, the defendant promoted violent disorder which is seen as a direct attempt to undermine stability in the Kingdom and overthrow the regime," the Advocate General said.

In view of this, the Public Prosecution had investigated recordings that were submitted by the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and ordered his summoning for questioning. The defendant was questioned in the presence of his lawyers in the light of his participation in inciting crimes against the authority using violence and promoting the change the constitutional regime and thus it ordered his detention for 15 days pending investigation.

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