Civilian Forces Break into Mosque in Bahrain’s Al-Dair, Search Worshippers and Arrest One

2015-07-22 - 11:13 م

Bahrain Mirror: A statement issued by Bahrain's clerics on Thursday (July 16, 2015) said that civilian armed forces broke into the Gharbi Mosque in Bahrain's Al-Dair village in the early morning of Wednesday (July 15, 2015), searched the mosque and worshippers and arrested one of the youths.

"In a dangerous move that represents a blatant violation of the sanctity of the mosque and inviolability of religious rituals, armed forces accompanied by members affiliated to the security apparatuse broke into the Gharbi Mosque in the Al-Dair village after midnight at the dawn of the 28th of Ramadan while the worshippers were busy performing the seclusion worship in the mosque, searched the mosque and all the worshipers and arrested one of the youths," read the statement.

"We condemn this barbaric act that contradicts with all the religious and humanitarian norms and which is an aspect of religious and sectarian oppression. We hold the authorities responsible for the consequences of such provocative practices. No matter how hard the authorities try to justify it, this will remain to be a violation against the sanctities and it is completely rejected. The authorities must hold the perpetrators of this crime accountable and guarantee it will not happen again," the statement further stressed.

The clerics also "held the administration of the Jaffaria Endowment (Waqf) responsible for its weak stances regarding the violations that the mosques and religious rituals are being subjected to."

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