Martyr Kassim Mohsen’s Family Demands Independent Investigation into his Murder…Denies his Relation to any Group

2015-07-23 - 11:29 م

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The family of martyr Kassim Mohsen demanded on Friday (July 17, 2015) establishing an independent investigating committee to inquire into the circumstances surrounding their son's murder, describing the bombing incident that left Kassim dead as "mysterious".

In a statement, Mohsen's family denied that their son was in anyway linked to groups inside or outside Bahrain, adding that "he was not wanted over security cases or other cases and he was never pursued, as some claim."

The statement is as follows:

We, the family of the young martyr Kassim Mohsen Ali Mahdi,
thank all those who stood by us in our time of grief.

We ask you to respect our emotions and agony of losing our precious son by putting an end to the issuing of statements on our behalf which only increases our pain.

We, the martyr's family, deny everything that was said about our son's relation with some organizations or revolutionary groups either inside or outside Bahrain.

Our son has never joined these groups and had no connections or contact with them. He was not wanted over security cases or other cases as well. He was not pursued as was circulated by some people. Our son was polite, calm, and a top-ranking student; who dedicated most of his time for studying.

Furthermore, the conditions and circumstances of our son's martyrdom are still mysterious and they have become more mysterious due to what the Ministry of Interior has announced about the incident. Thus, we call for the establishment an independent and transparent investigating committee of experts to inquire into the allegations and statements of the official authorities about the incident.

The family points out that they have not received the death certificate, medical report or official document about the causes of the incident and death from the competent parties until the moment of issuing this statement.

Finally, we wish everyone to respect our emotions and agony, stop publishing statements on our behalf that are far from reality and stop linking our son's name to groups that he has no relation with.

The Arabic Issue

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