Amid Significant Rise in Temperatures...Bahraini Family with no Electricity in Sitra

2015-08-04 - 4:27 م

Bahrain Mirror: "Um Nassim", a Bahraini woman, used some candles to light the room where her paralyzed husband lays, after he became disabled because of his illness since a long time ago, after the Electricity and Water Authority deliberately cut the electricity from the family's home located in the Island of Sitra on Saturday, August 1, 2015.

It is worth mention that "Um Nassim" has taken on the responsibility of caring for this home since 14 years ago, when her husband fell ill, so she became responsible for him and his two other wives, as there is no other breadwinner in the family.

Um Nassim said that "the Electricity and Water Authority has more than once cut the power" in her home, "despite knowing the conditions of the family," adding that she tried to get an exemption from paying electricity fees, however her attempts did not work.

The suffering of Um Nassim did not stop there, her paralyzed husband has to have his leg amputated since it became affected with gangrene and they brought him an electric bed to prevent his body from swelling like his leg. Um Nassim says "after the power was cut, I wasn't able to move the bed anymore to help my disabled husband. Who can't feel our misery!"

Um Nassim called on those in charge of the Electricity and Water Authority to take into account the circumstances that the family and its breadwinner are going through. She also hopes they will exempt the family from paying the electricity fees and bring the power back to their home.

The Arabic Issue:


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