New Pro-Bahrain Gov’t PR Campaign to Be Held in Washington & New York Next Month

2015-08-18 - 11:58 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Secretary-General of Bahrain Federation of Expatriate Associations (BFEA), Betsy Mathieson, said that the next round of "This is Bahrain" roadshow events is to be held in Washington and New York at the end of next September.

She added in a press conference held on Monday (August 17, 2015) night to announce the new destination of "This is Bahrain" roadshows that kicked off in Germany, and then London, Berlin, Brussels and France.

"This is Bahrain" is considered to be the most prominent government event that attempts to polish Bahrain's image and reputation which have been seriously affected by the ongoing human rights violations. Activists see that this campaign does not affect the convictions of states or organizations and all it does is exhaust more of the state's money amid a budget deficit and severe economic crisis.

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