Bahrain Mirror Publishes New Book: ISIS Are Among Us...The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam

2015-09-12 - 10:12 م

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): The Bahrain Mirror website launched a new publication entitled "ISIS Are Among Us...The Bahraini Government and the Rise of Jihadi Islam."

The book is a dispassionate study of the rise of Salafi jihadism in Bahrain since the start of the "Arab Spring." The book is thoroughly researched, using Arabic sources, personal interviews, social media reports, and statements by key Bahraini jihadist leaders and foot soldiers who fought and died in Syria.

This book, published in both English and Arabic languages, provides a serious and nuanced look at the creeping jihadism in Bahrain and the gathering threat to the regime. It consists of six chapters tracing the evolution of jihadi Islam in Bahrain and how the minority Sunni ruling family has used Salafi jihad to mobilize its rabidly anti-Shia supporters in its attempts to quell the calls for political reform and democracy.

The American political expert, Emile Nakhleh, says that "ISIS are Among Us" is a dispassionate study of the rise of Salafi jihadism in Bahrain since the start of the "Arab Spring." It's a condemnation of the regime's failed policies and shortsighted refusal to find common ground with the Shia majority.

"This book provides a serious and nuanced look at the creeping jihadism in Bahrain and the gathering threat to the regime. This is a unique and informative book about the rise of Salafi jihadi Islam in Bahrain and the government's sectarian policies," Nakhleh further states.

He points out that the Bahraini government promoted and exploited radical Sunni ideology in its repression of the Shia majority's calls.
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