New leader of British Labour party “Jeremy Corbyn”: UK must Oppose Bahraini Dictatorship Murdering its Democracy Movement

2015-09-17 - 9:36 م

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): New leader of the British Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, said that the United Kingdom "must oppose Saudi bombs falling on Yemen and the Bahraini dictatorship murdering its democracy movement, armed by the US."

Corbyn's words came in an exclusive article for the Observer and published by the Guardian, in which he set out his vision for the future of his party and Britain.

He said that the "Labour's leadership election has been an extraordinary demonstration of grassroots democracy and public participation," adding that "the election has shown that millions of people want a real alternative, not business as usual, either inside or outside the Labour party."

"We can create a new kind of politics: kinder, more respectful, but courageous, too. We make things possible by campaigning for change. We can change minds, we can change politics, we can make things better," Corbyn further stated.

Corbyn was elected on September 12 a new leader of the British Labour party. He is a left-wing and parliamentarian who has won the leadership of the party based on promises he gave to increase governmental investments by printing money and renationalizing wide sectors of the economy.

Jeremy Corbyn is known for advocating Arab causes, especially Palestine and Bahrain. In a speech during the fourth human rights conference on Bahrain, held in Beirut, in April, he said that what raises concern the most in Bahrain is that the Bahraini government is incapable of protecting democracy, freedom of expression and assembly and individuals as well, and that those who lead the opposition are inside prison (...) since the protests escalated, the Bahraini government was keen to reflect Bahrain's best image to the international community. "However, all signs indicate now that no changes have taken place. Simply, people remained imprisoned and it is difficult to stage protests," he added.

He concluded his speech at that time saying that he hopes to raise during the coming Parliamentary session and UN session in June subjects of democracy and human rights in Bahrain, stressing: "We want to work together with the whole people to defend freedom of expression."

Corbyn has always embarrassed his country with his repeated questions about Bahrain. His last question raised to Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in March 20, 2015, whether he will make an assessment of the implications for his policies of the communication to Bahrain by the UN Chair-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, Special Rapporteur on free assembly and Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on 14 October 2014, expressing concerns about the trial of Mr. Nabeel Rajab in Bahrain. He also embarrassed the secretary asking him if he will make a statement or if he will make representations to the government of Bahrain concerning the cases of Nabeel Rajab and Hussain Jawad and other human rights activists charged with expression-related offences.

Corbyn was born in 1949 in Chippenham. He has been a Member of Parliament for Islington North since 1983.

Since entering the Parliament, Corbyn has been known for his political activism. He was arrested in 1984 in front of the Embassy of South Africa for violating a protest ban. This was during the apartheid era in South Africa.

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