Bahrain Clerics: Economic Deterioration Caused by Corruption, Tyranny & Security Policies

2016-01-16 - 10:47 م

Bahrain Mirror: In a statement issued on Thursday (January 14, 2016), Bahrain's clerics described what the government has committed by lifting subsidies on meat, raising gasoline prices and promising to raise tariffs of electricity, water and other life necessities as "targeting citizens in the necessities of their life and restricting their livelihood, while the potentates maintain their illicit privileges, take over the country's resources and extend their authority over both land and sea."

"This deterioration in the economy and living conditions is a result of tyranny, unilateralism and corruption controlling politics and economy. It is also a result of the security policies draining the public budget in addition to the destructive policy of naturalization", the clerics added in their statement.

"The economic and social issues could not be separated from the political ones. Bahrain is in urgent need of radical solutions based on the recognition of the people's rights, and real participation in governing their country. Without that, the country is moving towards deterioration on various levels." they further stated.

Tags: Economy, Lifting Subsidies

Arabic Issue

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