BFHR: 8 Arrests, 14 House Raids in 3rd Week of May

2016-05-21 - 9:54 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) said that the Bahraini authorities arbitrarily sentenced 38 citizens, including 3 children, to a total of 231 years and 6 months in prison during the third week of May, 2016.

In its statement, the BFHR further stated that in this period between May 13-20, both the Public Prosecution and courts renewed the pre-trial detentions of 83 arbitrarily detained Bahrainis for a total of 1,950 days.

BFHR noted that Bahraini authorities launched 14 house raids, cracked down on 11 peaceful protests and arrested 8 citizens, adding that it also recorded 3 cases of forced disappearances and 2 cases of torture and ill-treatment.

The forum highlighted that arbitrary sentences were issued against 3 children: 3-year jail term handed down to Ali Mohammad Hassan Al-Motawa' and 7-year term to both Haidar Ibrahim and Ali Mohammad Abdulshaheed.

The BFHR statement also mentioned the forced deportation of Bahraini citizen Hassan Abu Al-Qassem (21 years old), who was arrested in April 2013 over charges of joining an assembly and later declared innocent of these charges by the court.

The statement further read that the family of detainee Dr. Saeed Al-Samahiji, who suffers from a heart disease, said that the Jaw Central Prison Administration is depriving him of his right to medical treatment.

The BFHR concluded its statement by warning of the recent decision by the parliament to ban religious preachers from joining political groups, stressing that it is a clear violation of an individual's right to engage in politics.

Arabic Version 

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