Wa’ad on Ashura: Religious Freedoms are Protected by International Charters

2016-10-13 - 11:13 م

Bahrain Mirror: The National Democratic Action Society "Wa'ad" praised the Bahraini people and Islamic world on the Tenth day of Muharram (Ashura), on the occasion Imam Hussein bin Ali's martyrdom along with members of his family companions in the tragedy of Karbala.

Wa'ad addressed its deep condolences to the Bahraini people, in all its religious, social, sectarian, and doctrinal spectrums. It confirmed "the high meanings and lessons [of Ashura], the top of which is the reform, freedom, social justice, tolerance, refusal of double standards, and achieving the highest levels of religious freedoms."

"The memory of Karbala comes at a time when the Arab nation suffers from a great fallback in the political, economic, and livelihood reality, due to tyranny and the policy of unilateral decision making," the opposition society added in its statement.

Wa'ad indicated that Arab and Islamic countries are facing one of their most dangerous stages throughout its existence, as being political entities subjected to division and internal dispute. The National Democratic Action Society added that these countries suffer being far from the central cause of the nation, which is the Palestinian cause that represents the title of struggle in the region.

"This therefore takes them further away from the components of a modern, democratic, civil state, which is the base for social stability and civil peace, as stated in the high principle, most important of which is religious freedoms, and performance of religious rituals; a right guaranteed and protected by the constitution and all international charters," Wa'ad stressed.

"Bahrain is in desperate need for building a civil state, which we use to promote our goals, and we adopted this as the theme of our conference next year. This state is one that believes that "religion if for God and the country is for everyone. It is a state that does not differentiate between a religion and another, or a sect and another, but it rather believes that social diversity is a factor of strength and enhancement to the society and state," Wa'ad further noted.

Moreover, Wa'ad believed, "The greatest lesson learned from Ashura is to adhere to national unity, confront the systematic division schemes operated in real life and block the way before those who plan division between the sons of one nation. [Also, to] stand in one line against those who mess around with the social entity, and try to plunge it into deadly disputes that weaken the society and hinder the chances for development and progress."

Wa'ad concluded that its stance as a national, democratic, and civil entity, inclusive of all sects, in addition to the high principles of Imam Hussein's revolution demanding social freedom and justice, stems from "Wa'ad's" stance demanding reforms and combatting corruption in all its forms. "It also stems from "Wa'ad" stressing the importance of forming a government that establishes a modern democratic civil state, which faithfully believes in the constitutional ownership, similar to the well-established democracies, as mentioned in the National Action Charter," Wa'ad added.

Arabic Version

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