King Opens Fourth Legislative Term, Head of Parliament Says Political Societies’ Framework to be Fixed

2016-10-18 - 12:22 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa delivered a speech Sunday (October 16, 2016), during which he said that his country is "the country where the rule of law is supreme, human dignity is safeguarded and rituals are protected." His speech came during the opening ceremony of the third session of the Fourth Legislative Term, before the Council of Representatives and Consultative Council.

On the other hand, Head of Council of Representatives, Ahmad al Mulla, said in an interview with Royal Court-affiliated al-Watan newspaper, that the "Parliament will work on fixing the course of work for all political societies on the legislative level". He further noted that some parties in the inside and outside are trying to exhibit a bad impression against parliamentary institutions, believing that "some exceeded the limits of law, freedom of opinion and expression, for reasons known to everyone."

Al Mulla indicated that the third session was to witness a royal speech that would draw the path of the next stage, discuss the state general budget for the next two years, and follow up on the government's legislative and monitoring agenda.

Moreover, he said that the members of parliament would work on what he called "highlighting the achievements of the reform project and communicating with councils and organizations, especially the legal ones, as some still deal with the Bahraini rights file in a politicized way." He also claimed the MPs would also follow up on the constant threats, and support the procedures of the state of law and institutions.

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