British MP Demands PM Theresa May to Raise HR Issue with Bahrain’s King

2016-10-28 - 5:58 م

Bahrain Mirror- Exclusive: Margaret Ferrier, MP in House of Commons posted a tweet in which she said "I have today written to the PM Theresa May to demand that she raise Bahrain human rights issues with the King when she meets with him."

Ferrier attached photos for her letter addressed to the PM in which she stated "I write to you in light of reports if a planned meeting in the UK between yourself and King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to bring to your attention serious human rights abuses in Bahrain. I am seriously concerned that it appears that no public mention of this meeting has been made by the government and I ask that you raise concerns during your meeting with the King."



The MP shed the light in her letter on some of these violations, including the arrest of Nabeel Rajab in June, his trial and charges brought against him, adding "I am shocked that the Foreign Office is yet to call for his release nor they done so in regards to any imprisoned human rights defender in Bahrain."

Margaret Ferrier indicated that "The arrest of Mr. Rajab has formed a part of wider campaign of human rights abuses in the country since the beginning of 2016. At least 300 individuals have had their citizenships revoked. In June, the government dissolved the main opposition society, Al-Wefaq, and seized its assets. Al-Wefaq's leader, Sheikh Ali Salman, has been in prison since 2014. All other major opposition leaders also remain in detention," indicating that "the UK must call for their immediate release."

"Five UN Special Rapporteurs found that Bahrain engages in the "systematic harassments" of its Shia population, including the harassment of religious leaders, she further stated, highlighting that "the government will be aware of decision to revoke the nationality of Sheikh Isa Qassim, Bahrain's leading Shia cleric, sparking widespread protests in the country."

Ferrier stressed "Although the government has constantly claimed that it takes seriously the situation in Bahrain and engages in private discussions on human rights the reality is that the human rights situation has worsened." She addressed the Prime Minister saying "There are litter better platforms to prove the seriousness of government than for these human rights concerns to be raised frankly and directly to King during your first meeting."

"With the UK placing itself as a strategic ally to Bahrain by providing its government with both funding and political support, we have a central responsibility in addressing human rights abuses when they occur in the country and make it clear that we will not turn a blind eye," she went on to say.

Margaret Ferrier concluded "It is not in anyone's long term interests, certainly not the people in Bahrain, for such widespread human rights abuses to continue unabated"

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