Bahrain Forum Describes Charges Against Sheikh al-Bana’ as Vexatious, Demands his Immediate Release

2016-11-02 - 7:10 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights considered the charges addressed against prominent Shiite cleric, Sheikh Hani al-Bana' "vexatious, and come in the context of consolidating the sectarian persecution status, and political revenge against the Muslim Shiite scholars in Bahrain."

The Forum clarified that the security authorities "refused having Sheikh al-Bana's lawyers present with him in the questioning sessions, before referring him to the Public Prosecution." The human rights entity also indicated that the charges against him were based on "parts of his speech in Ashura. And these charges as vexatious as the Bahraini authorities gave itself an expanded authority that enables it to conduct arbitrary abuse, as explained in article (22) of the 2002 constitution, and violate the right to independence of religious affairs."

The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights concluded its statement with demanded "the immediate release of prominent cleric Sheikh Hani al-Bana', who is arbitrarily kept in custody, and the halt of prosecution of Shiite clerics based on their religious affiliation or political views." It also noted "the recent escalation in the pace of prosecutions and arbitrary arrests of Shiite clerics and citizens, and the assault against a group of preachers and singers, based on their activities in Ashura."

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