Unscheduled Visit for Family of Death Row Detainee Sami Mushaima: He wasn’t Aware of our Visit

2017-01-14 - 11:29 م

Bahrain Mirror: Family of death row detainee Sami Mushaima said that it met their son on Saturday (January 14, 2017) in Jaw central prison, explaining that their son did not even know about the visit that was scheduled based on a call from the prison's administration.

It added that the aim behind the visit was ambiguous and that the searching measures were specific, exceptional and humiliating.

The security authorities summoned the families of 3 death row Bahrainis (Abbas Al-Samea, Sami Mushaima, and Ali Al-Singace) this morning to meet their sons who are accused of Al-Daih blast that killed an Emirati officer and 2 Pakistani policemen.

This summons raised serious concerns over the fate of the death row detainees, fearing from executing the sentences.

Citizens held protests in different Bahraini villages, calling to abolish the "arbitral" verdicts.

On January 9, 2017, the Court of Cassation upheld the death sentences against three defendants. The authorities are waiting for the king's approval to execute the sentence.

The laws do not specify any time period for the king to approve the death sentences' implementation.

Arabic Version    

التعليقات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع

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