Bahrain at a Crossroad amid Angry Night on the Eve of Sheikh Isa Qassim’s Trial

2017-03-14 - 6:24 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain head towards a crossroad between the royal family and the Shiite majority population on the eve of religious leader, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim's Trial. A Bahraini court is expected to issue a verdict in the case of Sheikh Isa, on charges of managing the Shiite religious Khums ritual.

Amid waves of rage, thousands protested in various Bahraini areas Monday night (March 13, 2017), wearing shrouds to express their readiness to die for the sake of defending him. Protests shouted slogans against King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

Ayatollah Qassim's supporters made their way in mass gatherings in the sit-in site in Diraz, outside his house. They marched in a mass protest, holding pictures of Sheikh Qassim, and slogans calling against the regime's measure to try him.

Angry protesters clashed with regime forces in many areas, as the latter used teargas canisters to disperse the crowds.

On his part, Al-Wefaq Deputy SG said that the regime refused all regional and international calls and mediations in the case of trying the Shiite existence in the country. He added that the situation seems to be heading towards more escalations.

Bahraini clerics warned that Bahrain is slipping into dangerous crises in case the ruling family adopted more escalating measures against the religious leader.

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التعليقات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع

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