Democratic Movement Forces Demand Transparent Investigation into Martyr Mostafa Hamdan’s Killing

2017-03-27 - 5:04 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The National Democratic Movement's forces demanded the launch of a transparent and fair investigation into the killing of martyr Mostafa Hamdan (18 years old), who was hit by a bullet in his head during an attack by civilian forces on Diraz (January 26, 2017).

The movement, which constitutes (Wa'ad, Progressive Tribune, and National Assemblage), noted that Diraz was and remains until siege of the security apparatuses, and no one can enter it and leave it unless through specific ports, and under severe security measures.

Moreover, the Bahraini national parties demanded that the identity and nature of masked members, who shot live fire at the area, leading to the injury of Mostafa Hamdan, to be revealed. They said that the whole scene was taped and recorded by video, and was circulated on all social media platforms.

The democratic movement forces also reiterated its national pillars in favor of all categories and ranks of the Bahraini people, to live in security, freedom and justice. They also stressed the legitimacy of peaceful struggle of the Bahraini people, and their legitimate demands for a modern, civil, democratic state, where justice is applied without any discrimination, to guarantee human rights and freedoms, as protected by an independent just judiciary.

Furthermore, the forces reaffirmed that the security solution will not lead the country out of its political and economic crisis, which it has been suffering for years, adding that the way towards solution lies in a serious national dialogue, which leads to real results and national consensus.

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التعليقات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع

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