VIDEO: Former Qatari Prince's Secretary Responds to Manama's accusations, Reveals Details about Bahraini CP's meeting with the Prince in 2012

سعد بن محمد الرميحي
سعد بن محمد الرميحي

2017-08-18 - 8:17 م

Bahrain Mirror: Saad bin Mohammed Al-Rumaihi, the former Qatari prince Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani secretary, criticized Bahrain for broadcasting recording of telephone calls between Al-Wefaq's Sheikh Hassan Sultan and the Qatari Emir's special adviser, Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Attiyah.
In an interview with Qatar TV (August 15, 2017), Saad Al-Rumaihi said he had a close relationship with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and that he was particularly fond of Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Attiyah.

"It hurt a lot when I saw Bahrain TV air a phone call of a noble person, a gentleman who everyone knows, named Hamad bin Khalifa, and accuse him of disrupting security in Bahrain," he added.

Al-Rumaihi further revealed information about a meeting that took place on August 12, 2012 between Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa and Qatar's Emir at the time Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. He claimed that he recalls Prince Salman bin Hamad visiting Qatar on August 12, 2012, and meeting the Prince in his office. "I was present at this meeting. Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed, the (Bahraini) Minister of Foreign Affairs , attended this meeting. There was a group of escorts accompanying Prince Salman at that meeting. They heard Shaikh Hamad say very beautiful words. I remember among the important things he told them was that ‘the unrest and the problems are an internal affair in Bahrain, but harming the Al Khalifa family and the Bahraini regime is a red line to us and we will not accept it.'"

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