Bahraini Hunger Strikers Moved to Solitary Confinement, Officers Threaten them: Your Place Is in the Cemetery

2017-09-18 - 3:07 ص

Bahrain Mirror: The authorities at Bahrain's Central Jaw Prison transferred a large number of prisoners on hunger strike to solitary confinement after they refused to end the strike that entered its ninth day, according to information.

The source confirmed that the transfer of hunger strikers to solitary confinement puts their lives at risk.

The prison administration refuses to improve the conditions inside the overcrowded prison, which now holds twice its capacity, in addition to the deterioration of health services provided for detainees.
The information further indicated that about a thousand prisoners' health conditions have deteriorated as a result of the strike, while the prison authorities expressed their complete refusal to respond to the demands of hunger strikers.

Some prisoners reported that officers at the prison threatened them by saying: "You do not even deserve this prison (...) Your place is in the cemetery."


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