HR Activist Zainab Al-Khamis Prevented from Traveling

2017-10-17 - 9:59 م

Bahrain Mirror: Human rights activist Zainab Al-Khamis said that the authorities prevented her on Monday (October 16, 2017) from leaving the country through Bahrain International Airport.

Al-Khamis posted a photo while she was in Bahrain International Airport, indicating that she used up all the measures regarding travel ban issued against her on August 30, however, the competent parties did not respond.

She explained that "it is the fourth time I am banned from traveling in different dates and I am summoned after the travel ban to justify it. Travel Ban violates what is stipulated in international covenants and treaties regarding freedom, the right of movement and restrictions on freedom of expression."

Arabic Version


التعليقات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع