Al-Wefaq: Charging Sheikh Ali Salman with “Spying for Qatar” Is Absurd, Makes Us More Determined in Demanding Democratic Change

2017-11-13 - 10:42 م

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, the largest opposition group in Bahrain, described the charges raised against Bahraini opposition leader and Al-Wefaq Secretary General Sheikh Ali Salman, and two Al-Wefaq MPs, as absurd and reckless, adding that this move reflects how deep the crisis the government is experiencing towards its people, the Gulf region and international community is.

Al-Wefaq stressed that these accusations are fabricated and retaliatory and an attempt to escape a political necessity of making a radical and complete shift towards democracy. The opposition group further highlighted that the import of regional crises to pressure the opposition does not succeed in negating its adherence to its national obligations or the fact that it is a key partner in the future of political stability in Bahrain.

Al-Wefaq said that this unlawful behavior drives it to work harder on the necessity to build a state of institutions and law based on contractual constitution as well as adhere to popular demands for democratic transition, reject the monopoly of power, wealth and resources, stop crimes and blatant violations of human rights, put an end to growing corruption, and reform the judicial system so it would become an independent and impartial authority.


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