Bahrain: Heads and Members of Dissolved Political Societies Banned from Running in Elections by Majority Parliament Vote

2018-04-25 - 7:19 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini House of Representatives in its meeting on Tuesday (April 24, 2018) approved a bill to prevent the members of political societies that have been dissolved to run in the parliamentary elections under a final judicial ruling, according to Al-Ayyam, newspaper.

The bill provides for preventing the candidacy of anyone who deliberately harmed or disrupted the conduct of constitutional or parliamentary life by ending or leaving parliamentary work in the Council or whose membership has been withdrawn for the same reasons.

With the exception of MPs Ahmad Qarata and Ali al-Atish, members of the House of Representatives agreed to amend the law on the exercise of political rights by depriving the heads and members of dissolved political societies and anyone who has been sentenced over a misdemeanor to six months detention or more or sentenced over a crime to prison, of running the parliamentary elections.

"We must encourage political societies to be based on a national basis, but if we keep the status quo without treatment, then we will be stuck in a vicious circle, and we will repeat what happened," said the justice minister, backing the bill.

In his statement, the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Ali al-Aradi said that the bill came "to ensure that political action must be provided to Bahrain, all Bahrain of Bahrain, and that there is no gate, through which those who do not want the good of the homeland, can enter this Council and pretend to represent people."


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