Shura Council Passes Health Insurance Law

2018-05-07 - 11:23 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Shura Council agreed in its session on Sunday (May 6, 2018) with the House of Representatives on all the amendments added to the health insurance law, without any amendments on the bill passed by the House of Representatives about two weeks ago. The council passed all the 88 articles of the law within 3 hours.  

In an intervention, the head of Shura Council Ali bin Saleh Al-Saleh said "the Shura Council was not given its right in extensive discussion of the law and we wanted to make substantial changes, but we did that in response to President of Supreme Council of Health Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, and health minister Faeqa Al-Saleh to finish the law before the end of legislative term. However, there remains substantial articles to be reformed."

Meanwhile, President of Supreme Council of Health explained that "the law has some errors but they can be amended in the future after applying the law and discovering the points missing in it."

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