Shura Council Passes Law Preventing Members of Dissolved Political Societies from Participating in Parliamentary Elections

2018-05-13 - 9:20 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Shura Council agreed, in consensus, in its session, on preventing leaders and members of political societies dissolved in a final verdict for committing grave breaches of the provisions of the Constitution from running into elections. It also prevented those who intended to violate or disrupt parliamentary and constitutional life from running into elections.

The prevention includes the members and officials of political societies that were permanently dissolved in a final judicial verdict or those who intended to violate or disrupt parliamentary and constitutional life by terminating or resigning from the Council, as people in this noble task should be trustworthy by voters.

The Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee Chairperson Dalal Al-Zayed claimed that the main target of the bill is achieving the public's interests, as heads and members of political societies dissolved in a final verdict for committing grave breaches of the provisions of the Constitution are on par with members belonging to banned or secret organizations under the law, which makes them untrustworthy to care for people's interests as well as represent them.

It is to mention that the authorities used jurisdiction in order to dissolve political opposition societies and number of religious societies, in the framework of a governmental program that aims at targeting the opposition and those demanding reform in the country.

Arabic Version