Analyst at Brookings Institution: Alignment of Interest between Sunni Arab States Led by Saudi Arabia and Israel Unusual

2018-05-16 - 9:36 م

Bahrain Mirror: A political analyst at the Brookings Institution said what we witness in Middle East of alignment of interest between the Sunni Arab states led by Saudi Arabia and Israel is very interesting.

"It's quite remarkable when you think about it historically," said Natan Sachs, director of The Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, in a statement to an American news website.

Sachs comment came in relation to the statement of the Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs in which he backed the Israeli strikes on Syria and deemed it a "states" in "its self-defense".

The political analyst said that Saudi Arabia's role is central, since although Bahrain is a majority Shia country, it's ruler is Sunni and has been supported by Saudi Arabia.

"Saudi Arabia is a strict Islamic country, very very conservative, extremely different from Israel in almost every respect except one very important one- they both fear Iran," Sachs said.

The website noted that Bahrain's public support came as a surprise to a lot of people but some Middle East experts say it's part of a larger trend of what's happening in the region.

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