Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim Underwent Surgery Yesterday Night

2018-06-28 - 8:55 م

Bahrain Mirror: "Al-Muqawim" Twitter account, concerned in publishing Sheikh Isa Qassim's news, said that Sheikh Qassim underwent a surgery yesterday (June 27, 2018) in a private hospital.

Four days ago Sheikh Isa was transferred from his home to one of the private hospitals after his health deteriorated. He has been under house arrest since May 2017, after the authorities forcibly dispersed the peaceful sit-in staged outside his house.

"Al-Muqaqwim" account said 4 days ago that the initial diagnosis of Sheikh Isa revealed "fractures and bruises that caused him disability in moving. His health condition requires follow up and hospitalization."

Authorities have been surrounding Diraz village (hometown of Sheikh Isa Qassim) since June 20, 2016, which hindered following up his health condition. The siege led to Sheikh Qassim's health deterioration and suffering from difficulty in moving and walking.

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