Summer Afternoon Outdoor Work Ban Begins Tomorrow

2018-06-30 - 11:37 م

Bahrain Mirror: The ban imposed on outdoor work from noon to four pm will begin on July 1 and run until August 31.

Labour and Social Development Ministry called on the installations with outdoor work sites to be committed to the ban, and provide all means to protect workers from potential summer diseases. They were also requested to organize their working hours during the afternoon ban to ensure projects and business all over the country are not affected.

The ministry said it had finalized its preparations to oversee the implementation of the ban through a team concerned in visiting the work sites to monitor any violation. It also said that violators will be brought accountable and their fine will be doubled in case they repeat the violation.  According to Article 192 of Law 36/2012 promulgating the Labour Law in the Private Sector, violators of the summer outdoor work ban will face legal action including up to three months in prison and/or fines between BD500 and BD1,000, for each worker found working outdoors by inspectors.

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