Bahraini Gov’t Delegation to UN: Al-Wasat Newsapper Didn’t Appeal Court Decision as It Knew its Legal Position was Weak

2018-07-14 - 10:01 م

Bahrain Mirror: The official Bahraini government delegation showed, in the UN Human Rights Committee's discussion of Bahrain's initial report on the implementation of the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a new position towards the closure of Al-Wasat newspaper, more than one year after the government decision was made.

The delegation said that the Al-Wasat newspaper had been closed down in 2017 because of "serious abuses and legal violations".  The media outlet had violated the authorization as a newspaper, the delegation claimed, and "had contravened the rule of publishing false news, which incited hatred and sectarian strife.  It had also spread lies about certain prominent figures."

The newspaper had the right to challenge this decision before the court, the delegation added, however, this has not happened since the decision had been taken.

Responding to follow-up questions, the delegation said that the minutes of the trial in relation to the closure of the Al Wasat newspaper were public, and reiterated that the newspaper had committed serious violations that could fuel divisions and increase hatred throughout society.  "They had also published fabricated news and articles that were described as racial."

Although it had an option to appeal the court decision, the delegation claimed that Al-Wasat had decided to dissolve as it knew that its legal position was weak.

There was no official or media talk about a court ruling against Al-Wasat newspaper, and all that was known, even from the authorities' statements, was that a decision by the Minister of Information had been issued to suspend its work indefinitely.


Arabic Version


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