Sheikh Isa Qassim Discharged from ICU 48 Hours after His Surgery

2018-07-28 - 5:58 م

Bahrain Mirror: Spiritual leader of Shia majority in Bahrain, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim left the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 48 hours following the surgery he underwent in one of London's hospitals.

Sheikh Qassim left for London on July 9, 208 to receive treatment after his health has recently deteriorated. Doctors said that the surgery performed to him was successful.

The follow-up team of his treatment said in a statement that he still requires medical follow up in the coming period to be aware of the complications and health condition after the surgery with medical follow up of other complications and diseases.

They also published photos for the Sheikh after leaving the ICU on Thursday (July 26, 2018).

Sheikh Isa Qassim has been under house arrest since over a year until he was allowed to leave for London to seek treatment. Authorities revoked his citizenship in 2016 as a reprisal act against his stances and political discourse.

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