Authorities Release Bahraini Arrested outside Cabinet Bldg Demanding to be Reinstated

2018-07-31 - 7:54 م

Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini citizen Mohammad Khatem said that the authorities released him on Monday (July 30, 2018), two weeks following his arrest over protesting outside the Cabinet building, demanding to be reinstated.

Khatem said in a tweet on his own Twitter account that he was released "after pain and trouble" and added "I wish to be reinstated as soon as possible, instead of getting imprisoned".

He tweeted saying that the government ensures "guaranteeing work for citizens...I demand to be reinstated". He further stated "I am looking for a decent living for my family in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of my country, Bahrain."

Khatem posted new video footages and said in one of them that he feels shy to return home and his children find nothing. He went on to say that he didn't intend to return home after his release, adding "I hope that officials hear my words and look into our case...I hope that they open the doors of their hearts before those of their offices...I want to be reinstated."

"This is better than jails and humiliation of citizens...We love our country (...) every citizen has to take his right."

Khatem hoped that his words would reach decision-makers, leaders and officials, in order to look into his grievance.

The Bahraini authorities arrested on Sunday (July 15) Mohammad Khatem from in front the Cabinet building, after he stood holding a banner that read "I can't find food for my children", protesting against unemployment and his dismissal from work since over 5 years ago.

Before his arrest, Khatem published a video stating that he will walk holding his banner from Al-Fateh Mosque to the Cabinet, indicating that the government can reinstate or hire him easily.

Khatem is a previous prisoner and a father of 4 children. He started tweeting in February. Two days ago, he posted a video of him saying that he was dismissed from his job at the municipalities ministry 5 years ago and that he will take to the street holding this banner and won't return until officials find him a solution, addressing the King, Prime Minister and Crown Prince.

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