Bahrain Embassy in London Responds to UK MP Inquiry on Hassan Mushiama’s Healthcare

2018-08-02 - 7:34 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini embassy in London issued a statement in response to an inquiry received from Mike Freer MP regarding the concerns of health issue of Bahraini prominent dissident Hassan Mushaima, who has been serving a life-term sentence since March 2011.

The statement, which Bahrain Mirror received a copy of, claimed that "as with all those in custody in Bahrain, Mushaima has received the very best medical care available, a right enshrined in the constitution."

Bahraini activist Ali Mushaima started on Wednesday (August 1, 2018) a hunger strike in front of the Bahraini embassy in London, demanding to provide treatment to his prominent dissident father, Hassan Mushaima.

Mushaima suffers from cancer and he has been in prison since more than 7 years. He has been arrested over leading 14th February protests in 2011. His London-based son, Ali, said that his father is dying slowly, as a result of depriving him from treatment, noting his old age (70 years).

The embassy's statement said that Mushaima "has been to the prison medical clinic 16 times since the beginning of the year, for a number of health issues. Furthermore, he was been diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago and since his conviction in 2012 arrangements have been made with oncology specialists and regular scans and follow-ups every six months. However, Mushaima refused to attend these scans on both occasions last year."

"Mushaima has had seven medical appointments arranged at specialist hospitals, six of which he has refused to attend. Nevertheless, he continues to receive medical attention, along with his prescribed medications and a special diet as part of his medical regime," the statement further stated.

The embassy stated that "healthcare and its provision is something that is taken very seriously in the Kingdom of Bahrain, so much so it is a right guaranteed by the constitution. Moreover, the constitution makes no distinction between any citizen and those in prison or detention in their right to healthcare."

The embassy also encouraged Ali Mushaima to contact the Ombudman's Office or the National Institution of Human Rights in Bahrain which can look directly into his concerns.

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