Bahrain and UAE Says Supports Saudi Arabia in Rights Row with Canada

2018-08-07 - 12:34 م

Bahrain Mirror- Reuters: Bahrain said on Monday it stood with Saudi Arabia in a political row with Canada, rejecting what it called Ottawa's interference in Riyadh's internal affairs.

"The Kingdom of Bahrain affirms its full solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ...against anyone attempting to undermine its sovereignty," the Bahraini foreign ministry on Twitter.

Saudi Arabia said on Sunday it would suspend new trade and investment with Canada after the foreign ministry in Ottawa urged Riyadh to release arrested civil rights activists.

Saudi Arabia severed ties after Ottawa urged Riyadh to free arrested rights activists. It also recalled its ambassador and gave the Canadian ambassador 24 hours to leave the country.

The United Arab Emirates stands with Saudi Arabia "in defending its sovereignty" after the kingdom froze new trade and investment with Canada, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said on Monday on Twitter.

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