MoI Says Mushaima Receives Treatment in accordance with Legal Procedures

2018-08-08 - 6:51 م

Bahrain Mirror: The prison's director in Bahrain said on Tuesday (August 7, 2018) that Hassan Mushaima is receiving full healthcare in accordance with legal procedures, as his son, Ali, continues his hunger strike in front of the Bahraini embassy in Britain.

The security official claimed that Haq Movement leader is receiving all the rights stipulated in the Reformation and Rehabilitation law and executive list, including the full healthcare.

He went on to add that his medical report shows that he suffers from chronic diseases and as a result, he regularly undergoes medical check-ups.

Ali Mushaima demands to provide full healthcare to his father, who is serving a life term sentence since more than 7 years, and who suffers many diseases including cancer.

He also mention that the authorities are slowly killing his father by preventing him from treatment.

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