Bahraini Authorities Release 5 Clerics, Arrest 3 over Ashura Commemorations

2018-09-19 - 3:48 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini authorities released Shiite preachers and summoned others. Meanwhile, more than 3 clerics have been arrested so far, after brining against them charges related to inciting hatred against the regime on the background of taking part in Ashura commemorations.

The authorities released each of Sayed Sadiq Al-Ghuraifi, Sheikh Mahdi Al-Karzakani, Sayed Mohieldin Al-Mashaal, Mulla Mohammad Al-Mulla and Sheikh Bashar Al-A'ali, and summoned Sheikh Mohammad Al-Rayyash for interrogation tomorrow.

The Public Prosecution also remanded each of Sheikh Yasin Al-Jamri, Sheikh Hani Al-Bana'a as well as Sheikh Mohammad Al-Sahlawi.

It raised charges related to inciting hatred against the regime and encouraging terrorism against the arrested.

The majority of Shiites commemorate Ashura occasion in Bahrain amid tensed ambiance with the ongoing security attacks practiced by the authorities.

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